The highest success is achieved by the ones who possess the best information!
Comprehensive informational & analitycal business support
10 South-East European countries
Economic & political situation monitoring
Market analysis
Competition tracing
Trends & tendencies identification & analysis
Situational analysis & forecasting
Risk mapping & evaluation
Spheres we cover
Why choose us?
Our team of multidisciplinary experts, with 15-years of experience, takes a timely and relevant, systematic approach in data gathering and analysis. We pride ourselves in being concise, objective and non-partisian.
Our Services
Did you know that?
15 prime-ministers in Romania have changed in the last 10 years.
5 times in the last 5 years Bulgarian government faced a non-confidence vote.
24K vineyard hectares are there in North Macedonia (country area – 25K km2).
3,44 billion $ out of 6,11 overall investments in SEE countries in Y2020 received Serbia.